Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Inside the Indie Horror World by Kevin J. Kennedy is FREE on Amazon Kindle for a limited time!

Check this out!

Courtesy of publisher Kevin J. Kennedy, you can now download a free Kindle copy of Inside the Indie Horror World for a limited time.  This unique look behind the scenes of the indie horror publishing world has some great insights, some written by authors I've reviewed in the past such as John Everson and Brian Moreland.  

Here's the book's official synopsis courtesy of the publisher:

Join your favorite Indie Horror Authors for some tales about their adventures navigating the industry. The highs, the lows and everything in between. Some of them give some tips and advice and others share their funny and embarrassing stories. This is not a ‘How To’ book, but there are many great lessons inside if you are looking to write or boost where you are at the moment. If you simply want to find out a little more about what goes on behind the closed doors of the horror book world, you have come to the right place.

Click the link below to grab your free copy now!

Inside the Indie Horror World Amazon link


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