Saturday, September 17, 2022

Welcome to the new home of Shattered Ravings

Thank you for tracking me down.  As you can see, SR is on a different URL than before, which means all my previous content (nine years worth) was lost.  Yup, that's right...I was hacked.  For whatever reason, my site was taken over and now I cannot get it back.  

But upward and onward, right?

Shattered Ravings is still around, although it has been very low-key for the past few years.  This is my fault, of course, but I plan to rectify that soon.  

Very soon.  

As in, right now.

This site is a work-in-progress so please excuse the mess while I work to build up some entertaining content for you.  I have a couple of reviews in the works right now, and I'll be having a give away very soon as well.

So for now, welcome back!  And in the immortal words of Veronica Corningstone..."Thanks for stopping by."


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